"Chief among [Caldwell's] gifted players [is] Ernaisja Curry...It’s a credit to Curry that Ayamma’s spirit prevails even through the silliest of plot twists."
"The Chicago cast...is a uniform blast, with especially funny comic turns coming from Ernaisja Curry as a crew member pushed into the show (and loving it)."
"As played by Ernaisja Curry, Isabelle is somewhere between agitated and hysterical. And as the play progresses, her emotions grow even more extreme. Curry pushes the boundaries at every turn. She is alternately needy and ferocious, flirtatious and homicidal."
"Both [Maupin] and Curry sculpt their emotions with beautifully wrought physical and facial gestures — and they wield Shakespeare’s rhymed couplets with operatic virtuosity."
"And as for Hotspur, he’s far from a one-dimensional. The tender playfulness between him and his wife, Lady Percy (Ernaisja Curry) was beautifully played, particularly in a breathtaking, sensuous leave-taking scene featuring the two of them."
"Ernaisja Curry as Door [was] also strong. Curry plays Door as a valiant, but vulnerable woman who is able to open doorways to anywhere she wishes. She has nicely paired with Sheridan’s Mayhew and the two have a good chemistry onstage."